Later this week, Americans will sit down at the table to celebrate Thanksgiving. Many of us will gather with loved ones, and most likely eat too much turkey. But we may also take a moment, or more, to reflect on exactly why we’re thankful. This year, what are you grateful for? Today, before we prepare for the events of this week, we wanted to share something with you. This is “The hopeful eyes of the girl making a living by rubbish” taken by Quoc Nguyen Linh Vinh of Vietnam. Every year, the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) holds an international photography competition for Environmental Photographer of the Year. This year, the photo above won the competition. Taken in the waste dump of the city of Kon Tum in Vietnam, the poignant image captures a child and mother making a living from collecting waste. “The child was happy, looking at the dark clouds and chatting to her mother,” Vinh says. “This was so touching. She should have been enjoying her childhood and playing with friends rather than being there.” In the day to day, it can be easy to lose sight of what really matters and focus on what we don’t have. Our careers are no exception. Perhaps you were recently passed up for a promotion you were hoping for. Or a conflict with a co-worker is bringing you down. You may just feel it’s time for a change, but you’re not sure where to start. This week, look up from the mess – from the deadlines, conference calls, and endless tasks – and give thanks. Remember that hope is a powerful thing. Regardless of where you are, a little perspective can go a long way. Here at Mulling Corporation, we’re thankful for you, our clients who trust us to help your company succeed. Happy Thanksgiving! |