Mail Carrier
More and more people prefer email and online services to using the U.S. Postal Service. That means we need fewer mail carriers. The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics forecasts a 28% decline in mail carrier employment by the year 2024. Essentially, 360,000 people will be losing their positions over the next eight years.
Radio Disc Jockey
With the rise in automation and radio station consolidation, as well as internet radio, disc jockeying is an endangered job. Nowadays, songs and ads can easily be programmed to play automatically. While there may always be a need for talk radio—podcasts notwithstanding—radio disc jockey jobs will decline.
Newspaper Reporter
Along same vein as disc jockeys, newspaper report jobs are dwindling. Print newspapers themselves are decreasing since more people are reading their news online and on their phones. Some people still prefer print format, but it’s much easier to carry a mobile device that holds several newspapers’ contents than it is to carry those same newspaper around with you.
Utility Meter Reader
Automation is having an effect across the board, even with our utilities. Utility companies can now virtually access homes’ and companies’ utility usage. It’s more accurate and more efficient with less chance of human error.