Did you know that June is Effective Communications Month? We hear again and again that communication is key, and the workplace is no exception. But what is the most effective way to communicate within the office? Let’s take a look at how both managers and employees can take their organizations further with these tips.
For Management
- Get together. With flex schedules, telecommuting, and smart devices, it can be easy to let time pass without meeting in person. Be sure to schedule face time, both with open team meetings and for one-on-one check-ins with your direct reports. This will give you a more accurate pulse on the needs of your employees.
- Be approachable. Do your employees find it easy to come to you with questions or concerns? If not, you may need to take a look at how you react. For example – what does your body language or tone of voice say to others when you’re taken away from your work to handle an issue or hear something negative? A softer tone of voice and a welcoming posture can make a huge difference.
- Offer training. In order to succeed as an organization, you must keep growing and educating your employees on both hard and soft skills. Add a session or two on effective communications strategies and encourage your teams to adopt them going forward.
For Employees
- Speak up. When a situation arises requiring the assistance of a superior, let him or her know. In some instances, trying to handle something yourself, or worse, complaining to others will foster a culture of dissatisfaction and mistrust. And when you do address an issue, do so with clear and articulate language to avoid confusion.
- Listen to others. No matter the level of your current position, make a habit of paying attention to what others are saying. This means when someone is speaking stop what you’re doing and look them in the eye. Acknowledge their comments and thank them for helpful feedback. In this way you’ll help build an organization where people feel heard.
- Write it down. Make sure your questions and concerns are taken seriously. Once you’ve clearly communicated to your boss or a coworker, follow it up in writing via email. Not only will this keep a record of it, but documenting it will show others that you mean business.
With a few simple tips, you can help bring more effective communication practices to your organization. Try them out today and watch your business succeed.